Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sony ericsson k800 logo hangs then power off solution

Fault description
Sony ericsson k800 mobile has hanging problem mostly. This problem appears due to Internet virus or installing unauthorized game or apps. In such case mobile just shows sony ericsson logo on main screen and then power off after few second. And even we cannot charge mobile due to corrupted software.

Fault solution
For solve this problem we have to use flasher box that support sony ericsson flashing like setool box,universal box,hwk etc . Here we use hwk box for flash sony ericsson mobile.
1. Connect box to pc
2. Open sony ericsson tool named SEdbx
3. Press boot button

4. Now insert flash cable into mobile charging connector then box will detect mobile and will show all basic info about mobile like software version, phone cid,gdfs version etc.

5. Now select flash file one by one. During selecting flash file we should take care about phone's cid and all file should be of same cid as mobile.
6. First select mcu bin file

7. Then select fs file

8. Now select ua file

9. At last select cust file

10. Now press write flash button then box will start to upgrade mobile software and approx after 10 minuet all process will done and mobile will be in power on mode.      

During flash file selection we should care about cid version. If we select wrong cid flash file then we will damage our mobile completely.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fix no network problem in nokia 5800 using flasher box


In some cases when network just appear for 5 second and then no network ,in such type of situation we have to use flasher box for repair that problem . There are many flasher box available in market for nokia mobile like hwk,mx-key,universalbox,mt box etc..


Network fault in nokia mobile sometime can be caused by software error.
There are two main reasons that cause network problem that are shown below:
A.      Setting mismatch
B.      PM (permanent memory) file error

A. Setting mismatch :
There are some networks setting in mobile due to these mismatching we get network error. 

We can access these setting in setting – network setting - Network type –
If you are using 3g sim then select dual mode or 3g mode else select gsm mode

B. PM file error :
Pm (permanent memory) file is permanent file that is stored in mobile it contains mobile product data like product code, life timer and purchasing date, repairing date etc. if this file got any error then mobile have network problem that it just appears for few second then no network.

Connect mobile to any nokia flasher box via fbus cable.  Here we use hwk box as example
1.      Connect box - first connect box to pc
2.      Select brand -  Then select appropriate mobile brand like DCT3,DCT4,WD2,BB5
3.      Then select correct model from list here we take nokia 5800 as example.
4.      Then write Appropriate PM file of that mobile.


1.    Connect box: first connect box to computer and attach mobile.

2.    Select brand: we have to select brand here we select BB5 from brand tab. 

3.    Select model: select model from model list as shown below

4.    Write PM file: after selecting model press write pm file it will write pm file to mobile.  

Conclusion  :
In network fault repairing(using software method) we have to consider only one file PM file carefully because if we write wrong file then we can damage our mobile permanently so be careful when writing PM file .    

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