Thursday, January 12, 2012

Nokia C2-02 mobile power button problem

Fault description:
Nokia C2-02 mobile some time doesn’t power on with power button. Due to this we can’t use mobile. But in this case we can charge mobile and when we plug charger into mobile then we will see charging indication on screen so this is power button fault mean power button is not working

Fault solution:
For solving this problem we have to follow these steps carefully:
1.      First we should flash mobile with latest version and check problem
2.      If no solution yet then open mobile and clean pcb and keypad flex completely
3.      After this step we have to apply jumper setting as following image.

4.      First  connect a jumper from power key point to a resistance as shown in image
5.      Then from that resistance connect another jumper to a point connection on pcb as shown with yellow mark
6.      After connecting these two jumper power key will work perfectly and we can power on mobile.  

Due to power switch problem mobile doesn’t power on but in some cases it can be caused by corrupted software so first we should flash mobile and then apply hardware jumper.

Nokia 3110 vibrator not working

Fault description:
In nokia 3110 mobile sometime we have no vibration problem. This problem appears due to problem in vibration motor or sometime problem in vibrator internal circuit.

Fault solution:
For quick solution for this problem we have to follow all these steps one by one:
1.      First check mobile profile setting and check that vibration is on there then check problem
2.      If no solution then we have to change new vibration motor and then check for solution
3.      If still no luck then there is some problem internal circuitry of vibrator so we have to follow these jumper setting as in image below;

4.      First we should apply a jumper from a resistance shown in image with red mark to vibrators first point
5.      Then apply other jumper from other resistance as shown with yellow mark to vibrators second point as shown in image above.
6.      After applying both jumpers now check vibration now vibration will work without any problem. 

First we should check all basic setting for vibration problem because sometime due to setting problem this error occurs and we waist our time in applying jumper.

Samsung S5230 touch screen (pad) problem

Fault description:
In Samsung S5230 mobile sometime have touch screen problem that touch screen doesn’t work properly or sometime doesn’t work completely. This problem occurs sometime due to setting mismatch or some time due to hardware reasons. Here we consider both

Fault solution:
For solving this problem we should first check software methods as following tips:
1.      First open setting and in setting press screen celebrate then mobile will ask for touching on special dots on screen one by one then complete full celebration and then check problem
2.      If no solution then reset mobile to its factory setting
3.      If still no solution then we have to change new touch pad so change touch pad and check for solution
4.      In some case after changing touch pad mobile remains in same condition because of some internal shorting in few resistance  so we have to follow next

5.      So according to above image we have to first  remove first resistance as shown with blue line and check for solution
6.      If no solution then remove all four resistance one by one as numbering carefully.
7.      After removing all these resistance our touch pad will work fine without any problem. 

In some case we have to also change new touch even after removing of all these resistance because sometime both touch pad and resistance got problem at same time.

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