Thursday, October 20, 2011

Samsung S5230 charging indication doesn't show

Fault description:
Samsung S5230 mobile some time shows not charging indication on screen every time. Due to this we can’t charge mobile and battery just drains after few hours. This problem mainly occurs due to shorting in charging filter.

Fault solution:
For quick solution of this problem we have to use following solution:-
1.       In some cases due to batteries internally circuitry problem creates this situation that mobile shows auto charging so first we should change battery and check result.
2.       After this try to change charging connector
3.       After replacing new charging connector  check track line continuity from charging pin 1,2 to desired point as shown in image below and from 19,20 to ground 
4.       If on any point line missing then apply jumper from pin’s point to pcb point as shown image below:


Samsung s5230 mobile have 20 point charging connector so during jumpering process we should short point 1and 2, 19 and 20 for proper result.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

BlackBerry Pearl 3G9100: troubleshooting charging and usb error

Fault description:
BlackBerry mobile sometimes has a charging and usb connector problem. So we can't charge the mobile and also can't connect the usb to the PC due to this error. We had this problem due to a damaged charging connector or sometimes due to charging the IC.

Fault solution:
For a quick solution for this problem we have to follow all of these steps carefully:

1. First open the mobile and clean the charging connector. This process is very minor, but essential because the connector is very sensitive. It might not seem like a big thing, but the charging connector should always be clean. A few particles of dirt can make the difference between whether it serves its purpose or fails to work.

2. Then change the charging socket.

3. If the problem still remains then check all track continuity from the charging pin point to the appropriate transistor and on the IC point as shown in the image below.

4. According to the image first check the point 1 shown in green. The point should be ground.

5. Point 2 in the green mark should be blank with no connectivity.

6. Point 3 with the red point should be connected to charging IC leg number 2 using the red jumper line.

7. Point 4 with the sky blue mark should be connected to IC leg number 1 with the jumper and this point should be connected to the other charging transistor also shown in the image.

8. Last and final point 5 shown with the pink mark should connect to the other charging transistor below the charging pin.

After all of this is done, the jumper setting, mobile charging and making the usb connection the problem will definitely be solved.
During the jumping process we should especially take care of all the nearest components of the circuit board and make sure that they do not become damaged. This is essential because any type of shorting in any component may cause another serious problem. The whole system relies upon the circuit board and if it goes down, then nothing is going to work.

The circuit board is a delicate thing; basically it is the heart of the mobile and any disruption whatsoever can throw it off. Also it is easy to break and difficult to repair. That is why you must be extremely careful when doing anything to it or near it. If something happens to the circuit board, you will have to purchase another mobile.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Motorola v9 mobile hardware flawed charger error

Fault description:
Motorola v9 mobile some time shows fake charging or shows charger error or invalid battery
This problem seems to be a hardware fault. In such case mobile battery can’t be charge with charger.

Fault solution:
 So for solving this problem we have to use following hardware tricks.
1.       Try to change battery and charger
2.       If no solution then open mobile pcb and use next step
3.       Try to change charging pin connector as shown in image below
4.       After that if problem still appears then remove a six leg charging IC as shown in image below.

5.       After removing IC apply jumper from charging pin point to ICs all point as shown in image below.

6.       Here we show charging point as blue mark numbering and ICs point as red mark so connect all those carefully.  

During new pin changing process we should properly connect app pin point to PCB point otherwise after all these process we will not get solution.

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