Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Nokia N70 not charging and no response error


Nokia N70 has a common fault that is charging error. There are two types of charging problem that described below.

1. Not charging
2. Charging no response

1. Not charging :

Fault description: Some time due to bad charger or high voltage from supply mobile got this error that when we insert charger it shows “not charging” message on screen


A. First check that we are using proper battery BL5C for nokia n70

Here is image of BL5C battery:-

If we use Wrong battery like BL5CA then we got this error.
Below here is image of BL5CA battery:-

B. There is a track above data cable connector that is used to flow current through it, so cut the track shown in red line properly with appropriate equipment.

Here we show that track with image so how to cut:-

C. If above solution not work then finally first rehot the charging crystal shown in red marked and then change the crystal. That charging crystal is

Shown below:-

2. Charging no response :

Fault description:

In this fault mobile show charging ok but mobile does not store charge and it discharge immediately after few minutes.


In this problem charging pin does not deliver appropriate current to charging resistance so Apply jumper from one charging connector point to charging resistance Shown in image below :-

Conclusion: If we properly follow all above tricks step by step then we can solve our charging based problem quickly.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Network Fault in mobile (n91 and 6131), no network solution

Network fault is a major fault in nokia mobile. This can be due to two major reasons:
  • A. Hardware problem (like physical damages and water damage)
  • B. Software problem
First we consider hardware problem in nokia mobile below.
Types of fault:

1. No network in mobile:
In some case mobile have no network when we manually search or set automatically mode.
This fault mainly due to hardware problem (in 75% cases) & in rest of cases this fault due to software error.

1. First manually search network if any operator found but failed to register then check network antenna switch then use following tips:
  • A. Firstly heat over antenna switch section
  • B. Then apply antenna jumper same as in below image :-
Jumper :- Jumper is a bypass technique to work like antenna switch .jumper connect two or three point of antenna switch .

  • C.If problem persists then replace the network antenna switch.
2. In case when we manually search the network and no network found then check 

“PFO (power frequency oscillator)” sometime called PA.
Below is image of nokia 6131 pfo (pa)

  • A. First clean the pfo with acetone or white petrol then heat over pfo section
  • B. If problem persists then reball the pfo
  • C. If problem still persists then change the pfo.


To repair network problem due to hardware reason we have to consider just two main component pfo and antenna switch to repair properly network problem. For this you should follow all instruction step by step. If we properly make right diagnosis and follow all instruction then our network problem will be 100 % solved.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Nokia N73 power mobile blue screen hangs

Nokia N73 mobile has a very common and major fault “blue screen hang” means when we power on mobile then it just blinks for few minutes with blue light on lcd screen.

Fault reasons:
There are following reasons behind this fault –
  • 1. Lcd problem: Sometime mobile lcd got internally damaged due to this mobile get just blue screen or some time white screen problem.
  • 2. Software problem : In some cases when mobile software are corrupted then we got this error like white or blue screen on mobile and mobile hangs.
  • 3. IC problem : Due to hardware reasons like water damage and physical tampered mobile shows this problem

Solution :

1. Lcd problem : change the lcd screen and clean lcd connector.
2. Software problem : update mobile software (flash the mobile with latest version) then do UI setting.
3. IC problem : To repair IC Apply following steps to repair the problem serially

A. First check continuities on below shown points via continuity meter, if somewhere missing then apply following jumper.

B. If above solution don’t work then first remove red marked IC and then apply this jumper shown below :

C.If still problem not solved then apply following steps –

Step 1. Remove another remarked component in red mark
Step 2. Apply jumpers from one transistor to another point of other component.
Step 3. Connect two other components with one jumper.


To repair blue screen hang problem using jumper we should have to check all continuity on appropriate point first after that apply jumper for quick and accurate problem solution.

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